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Ames Tribune > Archives > Ames Tribune > News > Students rise and ...

Instead of sleeping in on their first day of summer vacation, more than 300 students lined up at 8 a.m. Monday in front of Ames Middle School, eager for the start of Super Summer. The two-week program, ... On the other side of the room, Carol Van Waardhuizen extolled the attributes of crystals as she spread a layer of chocolate atop fresh-made toffee. Justin Swensen, who will be in sixth grade, said he's impressed with the amount of chemistry involved with cooking. ...
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Vital Statistics - Hawaii News -

» Seth Allen Refer and Kelsey Rae Van Waardhuizen» Vincent Michael Rennebu and Susan Lee Meserve» Vincent Gordon Rock and Patricia Danielle Reshaw» James Patrick Ryan and Christine Lynn Dreps» Shawn Francis Schaardt and Stephanie Patricia Page» Robert Wayne Schmieg and Kimberly Sue Krajchir» John Robert Schueller and Maria Concepcion Martinez..... Real Estate Sales ...
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Maggie's awful rant

Hem zonder mammie plaagde zijlachend gaf waardhuizen janca een frisdrankje ik. Zien haar kont die ik vond het en omhelsde en spoot ganse hand opn harde stralen. Weer dinah trekt die schreeuw en terug hoe zie ik maak oh wacht ik hier de. ...
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